Centers of excellence – home of innovations

The centres of excellence provide state-of-the-art treatments developed locally by skilled specialists. Research and development is the foundation. Multidisciplinary teams work in close interaction with the patients to ensure continuous improvement of the treatments offered. The centers all share a common goal: to improve quality of life for the patients. And the patients come from near and far.
Sahlgrenska Epilepsy Center
Sahlgrenska University Hospital is the country's largest care provider for advanced epilepsy care and represents Sweden in EpiCARE, the European reference network (ERN) for rare and complex epilepsies.
Epilepsy means that the nerve cells in the brain are overactive and can cause various types of seizures. The underlying causes can include congenital injuries and diseases, head injuries, brain tumors or strokes. Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disease.
Epilepsy can cause severe seizures and for half of the patients the cause behind the disease remains unknown. A thorough investigation is extremely important to find the right treatment.
– The center is an important part of the hospital’s investment in highly specialized epilepsy care. If our skills are not enough, through the network we gain access to colleagues throughout the EU. In the same way, we contribute to the discussions when epilepsy experts from other EU countries have specific issues where we have the highest expertise. We want to make it easier for patients to benefit from our mutual expertise, both in Sweden and in Europe, which is the whole philosophy behind both the hospital’s investment in the Sahlgrenska Epilepsy Center and EpiCARE, says Kristina Malmgren, director and professor in Neurology.
Sahlgrenska Cancer Center
Sahlgrenska Cancer Center is a center of excellence for all cancer treatments, gathering researchers, clinicians, patients and other stakeholders. The goal is to provide world-leading care and research for and with the patient.
Our cancer teams redraw the cancer care map, through active participation in national and international expert networks. Together with colleagues around the world, we drive development towards a more equal and accessible cancer care adapted to local conditions.
Sahlgrenska University Hospital offers treatment for children and adults across the cancer spectrum. The following strategies guide us in providing care in line with the European Code of Cancer Practice ECCP:
Patient participation. Each patient must be well acquainted with their care and, based on their needs and experiences, be able to participate in decision-making concerning their own care.
Diagnosis and treatment. Cancer care is provided by specialized multidisciplinary teams that have access to state of the art equipment and facilities. Our Imaging and intervention center with hybrid operating rooms and robotic assistance provides the best conditions for high quality care. Mobile teams and digital solutions allow patients to stay locally for their care.
Translational research and innovation. We do research at an early stage and can quickly translate it into new forms of treatment that provide direct patient benefit, through a close collaboration between researchers, clinicians and patients.
Information and communication. All data must be open and available to the public.
We have cutting-edge expertise in:
Anal and vulvar cancer
- Chemoradiationtherapy for curative purposes
- Surgery for curative purposes
Pancreatic cancer
- Surgery for curative purposes in locally advanced pancreatic and periampullary cancer
Cancer of the peritoneum
- CRS / HIPEC in disseminated cancer
Bile duct cancer
- Surgery for curative purposes in perihilar biliary tumors
Malignant melanoma
Isolated hyperthermic perfusion
Lymphoma and acute lymphocytic leukemia
- Immunotherapy, such as Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy
- Advanced diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with skeletal and soft tissue sarcoma in the extremities and trunk wall and abdominal sarcoma
Testicular cancer
- Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
Various cancers
- Electrochemotherapy/ECT for superficial tumors
- Stem cell transplants
Sahlgrenska Cancer Center also invests heavily in Advanced Therapeutic Medical Products (ATMP) and Precision medicine, which will transform the care as we know it.
The hospital has several national assignments that allow patients from all over the country to come to Gothenburg for certain treatments. The center also creates a platform for closer collaboration with other countries, allowing us to contribute with expertise while at the same time learning from others.
Center for Advanced Reconstruction of Extremities (C.A.R.E.)
C.A.R.E. was founded in 2015 and is the only center in Sweden for highly specialized reconstruction of extremities. Situated at the Mölndal site of Sahlgrenska University Hospital, C.A.R.E. is a modern unit combining both in- and outpatient care as well as premises for rehabilitation.
The Center for Advanced Reconstruction of Extremities treats:
- patients in need of bone-anchored amputation prostheses
- tetraplegic patients with spinal cord injuries where reconstructive hand surgery recreates hand or arm function
- patients with spasticity in arms/hands after stroke or other brain injury.
These patient groups have different needs, but they all have one common goal – to increase their quality of life by becoming more independent. To accomplish this, the centre works in a team-based and patient-oriented way. Surgeons, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and orthopaedic engineers work together to provide every patient with the best possible outcome.
There are synergies between the patient groups and the multidisciplinary team, also researchers, work in close interaction with the patients to ensure continuous improvement of the treatments offered.
They have made significant progress regarding treatment for phantom limb pain.
To get first hand information on what is new at C.A.R.E, visit their Facebook page.
Department of Plastic Surgery
In past decades, spring-assisted surgery has been used for treatment of craniofacial deformities worldwide. Professor Claes Lauritzen invented the technique at this very department. Other innovations have since evolved under the same roof. Gender reassignment surgery is another area where the hospital holds a prominent position research wise in the field of reconstructive surgery.
While it can never replace a patient’s home, the wards have been carefully designed to appeal to both adults and children. A total of 27 in-patient beds and 12 day surgery beds are divided between two wards located at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sahlgrenska site – one of the three main geographical locations for the hospital’s activities.
The children’s ward is staffed by a team with many years of experience and training in paediatric care. All care is developed with the child’s perspective in mind. With direct access to the hospital’s school and play therapy area, the patient rooms aim to provide a safe haven for the families during their stay here.
Sahlgrenska Intestinal Failure and Transplant Center (SIFT)
SIFT is the only program in Scandinavia offering new and successful surgical and medical treatment options for adults and children suffering from debilitating and life-threatening intestinal diseases. Here you will find a state of the art medical and surgical care, in a research intensive environment.
The center was founded in 2019, but Sahlgrenska University Hospital has been caring for patients with intestinal failure since 1981 and 1998 for intestinal transplantation. Currently the caption area include all parts of Sweden and Norway for intestinal transplantation
The multidisciplinary team has extensive experience of both intestinal failure and intestinal transplantation. The team consists of gastroenterologists, colo-rectal surgeons, transplant surgeons, paediatric surgeons, anaesthetists, interventional radiologists, dieticians, psychologists, specialist nurses, nurse coordinator and a medical and surgical director. All dedicated to involving the patients and their close ones in the development of the care given. Read more about the treatment.
Transplant Center
As the largest and most prominent center in Sweden, the Transplant Center is also unique in Scandinavia in that a full programme for all organ transplants is offered here. It is the only unit that performs multivisceral transplants. And it all started in 1965 when the first kidney transplant took place right here. Ever since then, Sahlgrenska University Hospital has continued to contribute to development in the field of transplantation both locally and globally.
Some years ago Sahlgrenska University Hospital created a new organizational model where all organ-transplanted patients are gathered in one place – the Transplant Center. Applying a cross-disciplinary approach, all medical professionals involved in the care of a patient belong to the same unit. The outcome: shorter in-ward treatment periods and shorter transplant waiting times. And more importantly, an integrated team can develop a closer bond with the patient and contribute to an enhanced treatment experience.
During 2015 the Transplant Center applied for and was once again awarded the National Healthcare Assignment to perform heart, lung and liver transplants for the next six years. Being entrusted with this once again is firm proof that the care provided at the Institute is at the highest level in Sweden. This increases the ability to think long-term and conduct research in the field of transplantation immunology, and to practise new surgical methods that allow maximum utilization of available donor organs – one of several primary objectives.
Ongoing research
Every day ground-breaking research is being conducted at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Whether or not the research projects eventually translate into legally approved treatments, the findings will forever make a significant impact on the future development of transplantation medicine. Here is a selection of ongoing research:
- Uterus transplants
- Ex-vivo lung perfusion
- SAILOR study on whether steroid-free immunosuppression leads to less diabetes development
- Nordic study into the optimum immunosuppression following lung transplantation
- National study evaluating the benefit of an artificial heart as a chronic treatment
- ‘Heart-in-a-Box’ for cardiac evaluation prior to transplantation