Continous education
This is a description of SCCC's strategy for continous education
There shall be allocated faculty to identify and execute educational activities
- for continuous education of health professionals in cancer care
- for health professionals specialization in cancer care
We will also identify new requirements of competence in non-classical health professions, e.g. engineers, bioinformatics, and initiate educational programs.
The SCCC will be responsible for setting up educational activities asked for by cancer patients, relatives and society.
Education that provides much more than knowledge
To promote continuous learning within the organization, Sahlgrenska University Hospital works closely with Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. An example is the clinical graduate school, which will make it easier for employees to combine clinical work with research. The doctoral students don’t only receive a coherent theoretical education, but also important research contacts.
- I have had very good use of the course, says doctoral student Slavica Janeva.
Read an article about the clinical graduate school (In Swedish)